FACEBOOK : We no longer use, or have access to, the Facebook accounts NetworkHomesUK and NetworkHomesSales. Please visit our contact us page on this website to find out the different ways you can get in touch with us. 

Building, fire safety and cladding

This section is for our residents who are affected by the government's updated advice notes on building safety and have questions about the cladding on their building or want to access their Fire Risk Assessment or other documents.

Your block documents

When using this section you'll be able to search for your block name, estate name, road name or postcode. Please search for your block and estate as there may be additional information available for you.

Your block may not have all of the relevant documents for each category, and that means we're working on it!

Working with you

We have a Building Safety Resident Engagement Strategy in place, which sets out how we engage and communicate with residents about building safety for new and existing buildings. It ensures residents can have a say when it comes to the safety of their home. 

You can download and read the Building Safety Resident Engagement Strategy here.

Get in touch with us

If you've still got a question, you can contact us on customerservice@networkhomes.org.uk or fill out our form

More information

Safe Space

Together we can end domestic abuse