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East Herts garage sites consultation - Frequently asked Questions

We have set out below some Frequently asked Questions on our plans for the garage sites in Stansted Abbotts and Ware.

We are building a small number of one, two or three bed homes across some of our garage sites in Ware and Stanstead Abbotts. There is provision for parking for each home.

All the houses and bungalows have their own enclosed gardens.

There is a need for new family homes in the area and we are prioritising brownfield sites - our sites which already have existing buildings. There are over 2000 people on the housing register.

Many garages are used for storage rather than garaging cars. Some sites have a number of garages empty and others will need expensive maintenance in the foreseeable future. It is a choice between providing homes versus garages and we see new homes as the priority.

A planning application is due to be submitted from April 2021. Once the planning application has been checked by East Herts, it will take the Council 8 weeks to determine the result of the application.

All proposed new developments are posted on East Herts Council’s Planning Portal. You can view these plans on their website.

An important part of the planning approval process is that the Council issue a ‘Consultation Notice’ which outlines the proposals of the scheme. This will provide another opportunity to provide feedback.

Start on site is not anticipated to be until 2022.

At the moment you need to do nothing. This is very much at the beginning of a lengthy process and throughout this time your garage remains available for rent. If planning is granted then the earliest timeframe to start on site is early 2022. We will provide updates and give a minimum of one months’ notice to end your garage tenancy.

To be able to develop our proposals we have had initial talks with East Herts Council as part of our development process. We will listen to residents’ views and, where possible, we will take into account the views.

Network Homes doesn't allocate the new homes. They will be allocated by East Herts Council using the Choice Based Lettings System.

For more information visit the council’s website or contact East Herts Council’s Housing Options Team on 01279 655261.

Homes built for shared ownership are managed through an agent and advertised on the open market. There is a qualifying criteria for anyone applying for shared ownership properties.

Network will ensure our appointed contractor will be signed up to the Considerate Constructors scheme.

What are you proposing to develop?
Why are you developing new homes?
How long does all this take?
I rent a garage. What should I do?
Can the design of the new homes be changed?
How will the new homes be allocated?
How will the development be managed?
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