Our sustainability strategy
Our Sustainability Strategy sets out our approach to a more sustainable future from January 2021 to January 2024 and the steps we need to take to get there. It describes how we'll address sustainability improvements and integrate them into our day-to-day activities and long term planning.
The strategy has been put together by our Environmental Sustainability Group, overseen by Peter Benz, our Executive Director of Finance. We published our first Sustainability Strategy in February 2021 and used resident feedback and findings from the Sustainability Homes Index for Tomorrow (SHIFT) to revise and improve our strategy in October 2021.
Our strategy outlines how we plan to achieve our five key aims in relation to:
- Our existing homes;
- Our new homes;
- Our workplace;
- Our procurement;
- Energy management;
- Benchmarking;
- Financing of sustainability improvements; and
- Resident engagement.