FACEBOOK : We no longer use, or have access to, the Facebook accounts NetworkHomesUK and NetworkHomesSales. Please visit our contact us page on this website to find out the different ways you can get in touch with us. 

Making your home warmer and cheaper to run 

Your home has been specially selected to take part in our first energy efficiency project. This means we’re looking at how we can improve how well your home creates and keeps in heat, so it is more comfortable and potentially cheaper for you to run in the future. This is part of our commitment to a more sustainable future detailed in our Sustainability Strategy. 

This project will run in four stages. Taking part in one stage does not commit you to another.  

  1. First, we need to understand how much energy you use by accessing your utility usage data. 
  2. Second, surveys will be carried out on your home to assess their general condition. 
  3. Third, we will help you sign up to a cheaper energy supplier, if available.
  4. Finally, we aim to carry out energy efficiency improvement measures that can save you money on your fuel bills and make your home more comfortable.  

Take part to potentially lower your energy bills

Right now, we are carrying out stage one of this project. To proceed, we’re asking you to give permission to our partners, Switch Energy Networks and Tallarna, to act on your behalf and access your utility data. This is given by signing a letter of authority and does not require anything else from you.  

It’s only when we know how much energy you use that we can identify the best improvements available to try and lower your energy bill if possible. 

The information they collect will only include: 

  • Annual consumption (Electricity, gas, etc.) 
  • Meter reading history  


  • Tariff Information Label (TIL)* 
  • Statement of account (current balance, payment history) 
  • Meter details (meter type, meter reading frequency) 


* Tariff Information Label includes: Provider name, tariff name, tariff type, payment method, cost per unit of electricity/gas, standing charge, tariff end date, price guarantee (if applicable), exit fees, and additional products/or services in tariff.

Get a £25 voucher on us 

You can sign the letter of authority by post, online or over the phone with our partners Switch Energy Networks.

  • Online- click here to sign online
  • By post- You will have been sent a letter with the letter of authority enclosed. Please sign and send it back to us using the prepaid envelope. This will allowing our partners, Switch Energy Networks and Tallarna, to access your utility data.
  • By phone- Call our partners Switch Energy Network on 0113 518 2000 and tell the operator you are enquiring about the Network Homes Scheme.

Our partners will use your utility information solely for the purpose of informing energy efficiency improvements across your home and, if possible, other Network Homes’ homes. Your contact details have been shared with these partners in a secure and compliant manner for this purpose.

As a thank you for taking part, we’ll give you a £25 voucher when our partners receive your signed letter of authority. If you would like opt out of receiving a £25 voucher for this pilot scheme, please contact the Resident Engagement Team. 

 Signing the letter of authority DOES NOT: 

  • Cost you any money 
  • Commit you to this project 
  • Impact your energy supply 

Find out more  

You have the right to see any information Switch Energy Network and Tallarna hold about you, to request your data is deleted, and to request your data is not used for certain purposes.  

To find out more about this energy efficiency project, please contact our partners, Switch Energy Network, on 0113 518 2000 and tell the operator you are enquiring about the Network Homes Scheme and they’ll be happy to explain further.  

 To opt out of contact about access to your utility information, please contact the Resident Engagement Team 0300 373 3000 or email get.involved@networkhomes.org.uk.

Sign your Letter of Authority

Energy efficiency project FAQs

Find out more about Sustainability at Network Homes

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