BLOG: Stepping up - How one family achieved full home ownership
One of the key benefits of purchasing a Shared Ownership home – in addition to only needing a small deposit – is the ability to ‘staircase’ your way…
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BLOG: When is the right time to staircase?
For many Shared Ownership customers, owning their home outright is a dream that might not feel achievable.
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Electric community cargo bike launched at Stockwell Park
SNG customers and the wider community in Stockwell Park, London Borough of Lambeth are set to benefit from a new e-cargo bike launched on Tuesday 28…
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Changes to our repairs service contractor
The contractor we use for our repairs is changing and you'll see this change over the next couple of months.
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BLOG: Making staircasing a reality
A blog for shared owners looking to buy more shares in their home.
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BLOG: How staircasing can benefit you
How to staircase to full ownership if you are a shared owner.
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New 24/7 public defibrillator unveiled at Stockwell Park
Residents of Stockwell Park now have access to a lifesaving defibrillator installed with the support of SNG, contractor partners, and Stockwell Park…
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SNG contact centre win a silver UK Contact Centre Forum Award!
Congratulations are in order for our London and Hertford Contact Centre team who have won a silver award at the UK Contact Centre Forum (UKCCF)…
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New SNG customer newsletter out now!
Including updates and news about our services, safety information, support available and stories from our communities.
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My Network Homes now available for leaseholders and shared owners!
My Network Homes online account is now available for leaseholders and shared owners. Look out for your registration email coming soon!
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