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Injecting youthful spirit into our communities

19 May 2017

Network Homes’ young residents have made their voices heard after presenting their ideas on how to improve the areas and communities they live in.

In partnership with Participation People, young residents were invited to take part in the Pathfinder project (a series of consultation events) to have the opportunity to shape the communities they live in. Events were held at various locations in Central London and Hertford.

Topics such as communication to young people, employment and training were discussed, as well as a session on generating ideas for new community initiatives.

Young residents then held a presentation to highlight issues close to their heart and ideas were put forward to the Network Homes housing management team to implement estate improvements, such as lighting on playing fields to improve visibility and safety.

Kieran Trundell, from Hertford, said “I think Network Homes has done very well with the Pathfinder Project. It has given young people like me the platform to voice my opinion and make some changes to the area I live in.”

Going forward, Network Homes will invite young people to take part in developing the ideas raised from the project over the course of the year.

If you would like to know more about upcoming opportunities to help shape the improvements made in your local area, please contact the Community Engagement and Investment Team on 0300 373 3000 or email

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