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Our executive leadership team has been giving something back

16 October 2017

On Friday 13 October, the Network Homes executive leadership team got stuck into some gardening at one of our extra care schemes - Rosemary House in Willesden, London. They were tasked with refreshing the main raised flowerbed at the home; removing all the weeds, planting new flowers and giving it a general tidy up.

Rosemary House was built in 2003. It has 40 flats and a large garden which is popular with residents. The scheme allows elderly residents to continue living independently, in self-contained flats, while benefitting from personal care.

After a morning of hard work, the team transformed the flowerbed with an array of new flowers, bulbs and plants. Fiona Deal, Network Homes Executive Director of People and Culture said: “This was a great opportunity for our team to get hands-on at one of our schemes and refresh an area of the garden at Rosemary House. Residents there were very grateful for our work and I’m pleased we improved their garden area.”

This is part of Network Homes’ giving something back initiative where all staff can spend up to two days supporting and helping charities or local community organisations.

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