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Check out our new Community Impact brochure

20 November 2018

At Network Homes, building and managing homes is what we do and we take pride in doing it well. But that’s not the whole story. We believe in giving back. We do this by investing in our communities, by contributing to sustainable initiatives, and by adding community value to everything we do.

Community Impact brochure 2017/18

Our Community Impact brochure highlights what we do beyond bricks and mortar to improve the lives of our residents and make a positive impact in the neighbourhoods where we work.

Key achievements this year include:

  • completing 284 new homes (175 at affordable rent and 49 for shared ownership)
  • supporting 49 residents into employment
  • providing work experience or accredited training to 28 unemployed residents
  • providing employment support and advice through Worksmart for 98 residents
  • provided temporary accommodation for over 700 homeless families across 12 London boroughs
  • 41 people housed young homeless people given homes and support through our Project Vista partnership with New Horizon
  • £1.4million unclaimed benefits secured for residents
  • supporting residents by raising grants of £12,065 from local authorities, sourcing furniture and providing food bank vouchers
  • generating over £100,000 of additional funding through partnership working on community projects in Hertfordshire
  • raising £21,000 for homelessness charity, St. Mungo’s, by Network Homes.

We remain as firmly committed to the communities where we work today as we have throughout our 45 year history. We are also very conscious of the continuing impacts on residents of welfare reform and have solid programmes in place to support people as far as we can to improve their incomes and employment potential.

Read the brochure

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