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Christmas celebrations at Robinson Court

10 December 2019

Christmas came early for families and children at Robinson Court in London after we held a party for them on Friday 29 November to kick start the festive season. The party was organised by our Supporting Housing and Contracts Officer, Sherli Basi, and hosted by Variety Children’s Charity who help improve the lives of children and young people throughout the UK who are sick, disabled or disadvantaged.  

Robinson Court is a Supported Temporary Accommodation for homeless families owned by Network Homes. The children and families who live in the accommodation had loads of fun at the party and got involved in a range of fun activities including pass the parcel, a hokey kokey performance and decorating the Christmas tree. They also got to meet Santa and his helpful ELF! All the children who came along were given Christmas presents donated by Variety Children’s Charity.

Sherli said, “I’m proud to be directly working with our managed sites to make sure we can make a difference to the lives of those families in need and allow children to have some much needed fun during the festive period.

It was amazing to see the smiles on the children’s faces and also to see the parents join in with the festive fun.’’

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