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Involving you in everything we do!

03 June 2019

Our Resident Engagement Team has been making improvements to the way we involve you in the delivery of our core services and ensure your voice is heard, all the way up to the Network Homes Board. So what does this really mean and what have we done so far?

What have we done in the past nine months?

We listened to your feedback from events, surveys and discussions and it was clear that we needed to make it easier for you to get involved. As a result, we’re reviewing and updating all our involvement opportunities so there’s a range of different ways you can feedback on, as well as be part of shaping the service you receive. 

We’re also ensuring we let you know about the opportunities so you don’t miss out.  For example, we recently ran a big awareness campaign when we were looking for residents to join our local panels as a member or the chair.  We told you about it on social media (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), our website, in the Spring newsletter, posters as well as sent you a text if we had your mobile number. We received just over 120 applications from residents wanting to join our local panels, which is great.  We’re just in the process of completing interviews so look out for panel updates from the new members.

Another improvement we’ve recently made is we’ve reviewed the information we give involved residents and created new role profiles for our involvement opportunities. We’ve made everything clearer and easier to understand so if you choose to become an involved resident, you know what is expected of you and how you can help us improve our services.

How does this help you?

We know it’s important that we provide a high level of service to you at all times.  We also know that to improve services we need to keep you informed, engaged and involved in the decisions we make about them. This was clearly outlined in the Social housing Green Paper and The Future Shape of the Sector Commission both published last year. Therefore we’re focussed on building our relationship with you and ensuring you know how you can get your voice heard and be involved.

In addition, the new role profiles we’ve created for our involvement opportunities outline the skills and experience you’ll gain by taking part.  This will benefit you when applying for promotions, employment into new areas of work or even finding transferable skills for a new role. 

What else have we got planned?

We’re currently meeting with all teams in the organisation to find different ways for residents to take part in reviewing our services. This could be from working with our Business Transformation Team on our digital services or with Neighbourhood Management on Estate Inspections. We’ll continue to find as many opportunities for you to get involved, to suit your interest, availability and skill set.

Keep an eye on our website and social media to see what we’ve got going on. If you’d like to get involved visit our Get Involved page, call us on 0300 373 3000 or email us at

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