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Network Homes plans to build up to 160 affordable homes at Central Middlesex Hospital

22 May 2019

Leading housing association Network Homes is planning to build up to 160 affordable homes near Central Middlesex Hospital in Park Royal.

Surplus NHS land, which housed a call centre and storage facility for the hospital, has been bought by Network which plans to transform the site into quality new homes. These will be for London Affordable Rent, a rate set by the Greater London Authority (GLA) and comparable to social rent, and Shared Ownership, which offers opportunities for local people to step onto the housing ladder.

The land sits within the Old Oak and Park Royal Opportunity Area, where, through regeneration, 25,000 new homes are planned. A planning application will be submitted to the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC) by the end of this year.


“This is a brilliant opportunity to develop affordable new homes for local people, in an area due to undergo significant regeneration. Network developed 145 affordable homes for intermediate rent and shared ownership on the neighbouring site (Luma Apartments) in 2011, and so we know the benefit that these homes bring to the local community. This project also contributes to our target of building 5,000 new homes over the next five years.”

David Gooch, Network Homes Executive Director of Development

Mark Trumper, Director of Estates and Facilities from London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust, said: “We are pleased to work with Network Homes to free up surplus land for much needed new homes, including for NHS staff. We are excited about the potential for 160 affordable new homes around Central Middlesex and look forward to seeing the plans progress”.

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