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Embracing Inclusive Communities - Virtual Resident Engagement Event Recording

25 August 2020

We held our first themed virtual resident engagement event on Embracing Inclusive Communities. This themed event was all about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and we got feedback from residents about how Network Homes can embrace inclusive communities. A big thank you to everyone who attended.

The event took place on Microsoft Teams and was hosted by Jamie Ratcliff, Executive Director of Business Performance and Partnerships with an introduction section followed by virtual group discussions in different Teams rooms.

For those of you who missed the event you can view a recording of the introduction section below.

Make sure you checkout our finalised Virtual Resident Engagement Events Schedule including more planned themed events here!


We received great feedback from residents during the virtual group discussions centred around how Network Homes can embrace inclusive communities. Below is a summary of the main discussion points.

Celebrating Diversity

  • Bring diverse communities together to socialise and celebrate cultural events (Diwali, Christmas, EID and Black History Month etc) throughout the year with food and entertainment. This gives residents the chance to socialise and get to know each other.
  • After lockdown encourage residents to get active and exercise including organising sports events in local parks helping residents to socialise and stay fit.
  • Events with a cultural food focus - incorporate with local restaurants.
  • Use social media platforms to create groups and forums to foster relationships with residents and create communities where they can come together.
  • Use the newsletter as an avenue to celebrate diversity among staff and residents.
  • Find a balance of utilising technology (MS Teams), face to face contact and newsletters to allow residents to connect and bring people together.

Transparency - BAME representation

  • Publish BAME workface representation figures both internally and externally communicating key stats/figures and areas where Network Homes needs to address and improve.
  • Ensure there is more transparency over job roles within Network Homes by giving residents an opportunity to see upcoming vacancies. Showcase BAME staff and resident panel members to highlight the diversity throughout the organisations staff.
  • Create a website section with key info and content for residents to access and view key info, documents and pledges.
  • Substantial improvement in Network’s performance over the past eight years, but it’s important we’re more transparent by publishing performance data online.
  • Drive accountability and meaningful change by electing resident representatives to stand at board level.

Ensuring Residents Feel Safe

  • Residents face racism and discrimination from other residents. It’s important they feel comfortable reporting any harassment or abuse to Network Homes.
  • General enquiries should be prioritised by Network Homes including reports of harassment or abuse. 
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