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Meet Network’s EDI Champion Valerie Vaughan-Dick

08 September 2020

We caught up and interviewed Valerie Vaughan-Dick, Network Homes’ Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Champion. As part of her role as EDI Champion Valerie is responsible for promoting awareness of EDI issues at a board and strategic level and embed good practice at Network Homes including the launch of our new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: 10 Point Plan for 2020-25. She also sits on the Network Homes Board.

Checkout our below interview and learn more about Valerie’s role as EDI Champion for Network Homes!

Dr Valerie Vaughan-Dick is Chief Executive Officer of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP). She qualified as an accountant with the National Audit Office and has held senior posts with the Housing Corporation, a London Local Authority, a housing association and across several Central Government Departments.

Keep an eye out on our website for the second part of our interview with Valerie Vaughan Dick as she discusses Black Lives Matter and gives an insight into racism and discrimination she’s experienced in her career.

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