From 1 April, we'll have one SNG website where you can access all the information, updates and support from us, as well as access your online account. We'll no longer have this website, instead you'll need to visit us at We'll also redirect any existing links you may use to

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What we’re doing to strengthen residents trust in us

02 June 2020

At the beginning of the year, we launched our new business objective, ‘Strengthening residents trust in us’ which you can read more about in the blog by Francis Haydon, Chair of the London Local Panel. Since then, we’ve been gathering ideas from our residents and staff to really look at what improvements we need to make to strengthen the trust you have in us.

Throughout March, we ran a survey with residents on measuring trust. Over 500 people took part and gave us some fantastic ideas on how we can do this. We’re currently reviewing the responses in detail and will reach out to residents from the initial project to discuss the survey findings and create a matrix to measure trust based on your feedback. Once we’ve completed this, we’ll provide you with further updates on how we plan to move forward with it.

We’ve also held a virtual staff event called ‘Network Thinks’ to gain feedback from colleagues regarding the new objective and insight into how each team feels they can and will contribute further to building trust with residents.

In April, we held our first ever virtual meetings with both of our Local Panels. At the meetings, the panels members agreed that we should publish all future minutes of their meetings for residents to access and read. This is a great way for them to share with you what they discuss at the meetings as the ‘informed resident voice’.

The Chair of the London Panel also suggested creating a space on the website to give residents a way to ask questions and suggest topics for the panel to discuss. This is a great idea and something we aim to set up soon. We’d also use the space to provide you with updates on projects our Resident Engagement Team are working with our involved residents. We’re hopeful that creating this area will encourage more residents to collaborate with us and have solution focussed discussions to influence the services we provide, in a flexible format.

Look out for this new area and the meeting minutes in the Get Involved section of our website which will be coming soon. And don’t forget to check out our range of involvement opportunities that you can be part of.

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