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You said, We did

09 June 2020

You said it, we did itEarlier this year, we ran a series of pop up engagement events across some of our schemes to get to know you better and find out more about your households, so we can make sure we provide the right support for you. We also launched our new resident engagement offer providing a range of ways for you to get involved, to find out more about the offer, visit our Get Involved section.

During the pop-up engagements, we took on board your concerns and ideas and are sharing how we have responded. We've listed them under three main categories here:

These are concerns you had or questions you asked us about living in your home.

Fire alarm testing

You said

Residents at Vantage Point, Hackney had a query around the frequency of the fire alarm test as they we’re taking place every week and wanted more information about it.

We did

Network Homes completes a weekly fire alarm test due to current building safety issues. If you have any questions about your weekly fire alarm test, call us on 0300 373 3000. You can also visit our fire safety section for more fire safety tips.

Anti-social behviour

You said

Residents at Luma Apartments in Park Royal had concerns regarding experiencing anti-social behaviour and how it can cause potential fire safety issues.

We did

The Housing Team has provided advice to residents at the pop-up event. A Senior Leasehold Property Manager has also committed to sending a letter to all residents regarding littering and smoking on balconies. We take anti-social behaviour very seriously at Network Homes. You can find out more about what you can do and how to report anti-social behaviour on our website.

Communal cleaning

You said

Residents at Kilburn Quarter in London and Quayside House in Kensal Green informed us they were not happy with the cleaning services provided for the communal areas of their buildings and wanted something to be done about it.

We did

We understand the importance of keeping your building clean. Where possible, we’ll arrange a deep clean of the building and continually monitor it. If we’ve completed a deep clean and you still have concerns or if you’re unhappy with the maintenance of the communal areas, please contact us immediately by calling 0300 373 3000.

We also hold regular estate inspections where we look at the cleaning and maintenance of your estate. If you’re interested in taking part in your next estate inspection, please email

These are concerns you had or questions you asked us about your neighbourhood.

Community space

You said

Residents at Luma Apartments in Park Royal expressed interest in creating a community garden.

We did

We would be happy for residents to create a community garden and we would like to contribute to setting up this community activity. If you’re interested in taking this forward or if you live in another neighbourhood and would like to create a community garden for residents, please contact the Resident Engagement team by emailing

We’re also running a planting competition where you contact us for a planter to grow flowers and send us a picture to be entered into a prize draw where you could win a £50 high street voucher. For more information on how to enter the competition, visit our website.

Cyclical programme works

You said

Residents at Kilburn Quarter in London, had a query regarding the cyclical programme works to the outside of their building.

We did

We arranged to do a survey however this had to be re-arranged due to coronavirus (COVID-19). Please note that all planned works and repairs have now been put on hold due to the present circumstances. If you have further queries on the planned works of your property, please call us on 0300 373 3000.

You can also find out the latest updates for our repairs and maintenance service in the coronavirus section on our website.

Estate management

You said

A Resident at 243 Ealing Road in London raised their concern about a number of estate management issues for their estate.

We did

We advised the resident to accompany one of our estate management officers on an inspection to highlight issues directly to them. We encourage all of our residents to join us on estate inspections so they can have their say. If you’re interested, you can find out more in the Get Involved section on our website. You can also become a Community Ambassador where you can become a key contact in your area, join estate inspections and suggest ways to improve your neighbourhood. Contact to find out more!

These are concerns you had or questions you asked us about getting involved.

Activities for young people

You said

Residents have said they would like more information relating to activities in the local area for young people to get involved in.

We did

The Resident Engagement team has sent opportunities for young people in the local area to the residents who have requested this information. If you would like to find out what opportunities are available in your local area please get in touch with us today at

We have just relaunched our Resident Engagement offer and are currently recruiting for Young Ambassadors, a role specifically for young people aged between 16-26. If you’re interested in this opportunity and to find out other ways you can get involved, visit the Young Ambassadors page in the Get Involved section on our website to apply.

We also use an online platform Slenky where we list our opportunities available for residents aged 13 to 24. At Slenky, your search is not just limited to opportunities at Network Homes as it lists all opportunities at other organisations too!

Local community

You said

Residents wanted more information on how they could be more involved in their local community.

We did

Our Resident Engagement Team are here to help you find and access opportunities in your local community based on your area of interest. As a result, they were able to provide residents, who request it, with opportunities relevant to them.

If you would like some help with finding and applying for volunteering opportunities in your area or if you’re interested in getting involved with us, contact our Resident Engagement Team at You can also find the range of involvement opportunities we have now in the Get Involved section on our website.

Local Panels

You said

Residents had queries regarding the resident panels being representative of the wider resident population and their level of influence in the company.

We did

The Resident Engagement team ensure that we involve a variety of residents and our recruitment process is open to all. While the panels are not representatives, they are consulted as the informed resident voice who give us insight into the resident experience. Our London Panel is currently at full capacity, however if you are interested in joining as an observer or interested in joining out panel in Hertford, email

You said

Residents have asked for a copy of the minutes from previous resident panel meetings.

We did

Our Hertford and London Panel Members have agreed to share their minutes with residents. We’re currently updating our website to include the minutes from the previous and future panel meetings. Keep an eye on our Get Involved section where you’ll find the panel meeting minutes.!

Residents on the Board

You said

A resident expressed they would like to see residents on the Network Homes Board.

We did

We recently had a vacancy on our Board which was advertised on our website and was open to anyone, including Network Homes residents, to apply. We’ll continue to advertise future Board vacancies to all residents so if you’re interested in being part of our Board, please keep an eye out for when we’re recruiting.

Residents' meetings 

You said

Residents have asked when we’ll hold the next residents' meetings.

We did

We are currently working on the schedule for residents’ meetings, but this will be delayed due to lockdown procedures. If you are interested in local residents meeting in your area, please email the Resident Engagement team on

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