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Lessons Learned Lectures – Anti Social Behaviour Recording

29 June 2021

Network’s new initiative – Lessons Learned Lectures is back with our third session on Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB). These are a monthly set-piece presentation and open discussion on a specific experience or piece of work that is felt to offer wider lessons to the organisation.

In line with our commitment to being transparent by default, we are looking to maximise the openness in which we carry out this learning and will invite colleagues from across the organisation, board and committee members, and Resident Panel members to attend. Over time attendance will be open to all residents.

The theme of the latest session is ASB hosted by Gabriel Codjoe, Director of Housing. You can now read the session outline, access the presentation slides, and watch the recording below!

Outline of what happened

High-profile complaints regarding ASB case management were escalated to our Executive Leadership Team.

As a result:

  • ELT commissioned a report on ASB.
  • The ASB report findings were presented to ELT by Aisha Akhtar, Senior Housing & Litigation Solicitor, Jackie Trundell, Head of Neighbourhood Management (Hertford), and Foluke Ajayi, Head of Neighbourhood Management (London) in April 2020
  • Upheld complaints also reviewed.

What we found

  • A lack of clarity and consistency in identifying the trigger for court action.
  • Not always providing victims with support in a way that met their expectations.
  • The impact of mental health illnesses on high level and low-level ASB cases.
  • To provide regular progress updates for residents on their ASB cases.
  • Gaps in our Customer Hub Case information systems resulting in inconsistent response times in responding to victims.
  • Inconsistent interpretation of the ASB Policy and Procedure.
  • Gaps in our Customer Hub Case information.
  • The need to review our ASB Policy.
  • Insufficient resident consultation in drafting the original ASB Policy in 2018.

Lessons learned

  • We reviewed the ASB Policy and Procedure – completed December 2020.
  • To give clarity to what constitutes ASB, we published a toolkit on our website in November 2020.
  • We held focus groups with residents before we started our Policy and Procedure review.
  • We captured their feedback and updated them with a text message on how we had used it.
  • ASB Letters reviewed by the Resident Straight Talker Panel to ensure they are written in a BOSS style and resident-friendly.

What we will do as a result?

  • Involving residents and staff in the process is important and reviewing and actioning their feedback leads to better outcomes for everyone.
  • Feedback to the residents, including Local Panels and staff helps to make staff and residents feel valued and can help us to become an even better organisation and strengthen resident trust.
  • Providing clear information to residents on what we can do as a landlord by setting honest & realistic expectations.
  • Ensuring the Customer Hub is kept up to date with case reviews
  • Ensure that operational staff are properly trained with regular reviews of policies & procedures.


You can watch the recording below and access the presentation slides here!

The next session Learning Lessons is currently being finalised and announced shortly.

We’ll also publish a video of the lecture, the slides, and key learning points on our website.

Check out our other Lessons Learned Lecture sessions below!

Lessons Learned Lectures - PSL Homes Transfer

Lessons Learned Lectures - Scrutiny Reviews

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