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Network Homes recovers 54 homes for families in need of social homes

17 November 2021

We've successfully recovered a total of 54 properties following a two-year crackdown on tenancy fraud (also known as social housing fraud). As a result 74 people entitled to housing have been provided with much needed social homes over the same period.

It has also resulted in over £1million in savings for Network Homes which can be reinvested in services for residents (figures based on from a Cabinet Office National Fraud Initiative report).

It comes as we mark International Fraud Awareness Week where we will highlight some of the successes and challenges in our efforts to tackle tenancy fraud.

We've made use of Unlawful Profit Orders which require an offender to pay the landlord an amount that represents the profit made from illegally subletting. One case involved a tenant who was found to have unlawfully sublet their one-bedroom home, prime London location property as a two-bedroom property while living in a £600,000 property elsewhere.

They agreed to pay back £45,000 made in unlawful profits by her subletting our property illegally over the years. This is without the need in going to court, saving us further costs in the process.

Portrait photograph of Tabitha Kassem

We’re really pleased at the progress we’re making in tackling social housing fraud. One of our key strategic objectives is increasing the number of homes for people in housing need and getting these properties back along with building new homes helps us achieve this. This also enables our residents to have greater trust in us as an affordable housing provider, demonstrating that we are taking action to protect and provide social housing to those who need it most.

Tabitha Kassem, Executive Director of Governance, Technology and Transformation

Report tenancy fraud

You can report tenancy fraud in confidence by calling 0208 459 9463 or emailing Any information you give us will be treated in the strictest of confidence and your identity will be protected.

You can report the suspected fraud anonymously but please give us as much information as possible to help our investigations. The more information that we have the better the chance we have of stopping it.

More on tenancy fraud

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