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Network Homes residents tackle social stigma at online event

25 June 2021

Network Homes Chief Executive Helen Evans hosted a virtual group discussion event in June with residents on how to tackle negative stereotypes of those living in social housing.  

Eleven residents took part in the event with the purpose of directly hearing views on this wide-ranging issue. Discussions centered around the causes of stigma in social housing and what steps Network can take to combat it as an organisation and social housing provider. 

Attendees were asked the following questions:

  • Do you feel affected by stigma due to renting your home from a housing association?
  • Do you feel people treat you differently because you live in a housing association property? If so how? 
  • What do you feel the driving factors behind this stigma are? 

It was a lively discussion with a variety of views on examples and causes of stigma. Contributors felt housing association residents are often profiled by others and that there was some stigma towards those who lived in mixed tenure blocks. Some of the causes of this were listed as media coverage and the drive for home ownership over other tenures. It was highlighted how important it was that social housing residents were given respect including how they are spoken to and treated.

An action plan to tackle stigma is being drawn up and feedback from this event will be fed back to all staff members at Network so that we can make tangible changes across the organisation.

There will more events planned over the coming months.

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