From 1 April, we'll have one SNG website where you can access all the information, updates and support from us, as well as access your online account. We'll no longer have this website, instead you'll need to visit us at We'll also redirect any existing links you may use to

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Public Network Homes’ Board Meetings

26 April 2021

Network Homes' Board meetings are now open to the public including residents to attend and observe for two sessions in May and November 2021.

This is part of our strategic objective of ‘Strengthening residents’ trust in us’ and ongoing commitment to delivering greater transparency, continually improving communications and to offering a wide range of opportunities for residents to get meaningfully involved in improving services.

Open Board meetings give residents the opportunity to have your views heard and questions answered as well as observe the decision-making process. We’ll use the information collected to support future decision-making processes at Network Homes to strengthen trust and confidence with residents and customers.

The first two open Board meetings in May and November 2021 will initially be organised as pilot sessions. Each meeting will be recorded and made available to watch on our website for those who missed the sessions.

Board Meeting Structure

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, our public board meetings will be held remotely on Microsoft Teams

Confidential or commercially sensitive matters will be discussed at each meeting and all observers will be required to leave during this period. This is because disclosing confidential information to the public could place Board Members, Executive Directors, Network Homes or residents at risk.

 There will be two parts to our open Board meetings:

  • Part one - Non-confidential part which is open to the public and people can observe, ask questions, or make comments.  
  • Part two - Confidential part where only Board members and Executive Directors can attend with only confidential items being on the agenda.

Anyone can submit a question or comment in relation to the subject matter from the meeting agenda before Board meeting. You can access May’s Board meeting agenda below and submit any questions or comments before the meeting when you complete our register your interest form.

All questions/comments submitted will be read out at the start of each meeting and there will be 10 minutes allocated at each meeting to answer all questions/comments submitted by observers.

Please note any inappropriate/offensive questions or comments will not be recognised or accepted for Board meeting proceedings.

May Board Meeting Details

  • Date – Tuesday 25 May
  • Time - 5pm to 7pm
  • Venue – Online via Microsoft Teams

Please be aware Board meetings may go over their allocated time due to the subject matters or discussions that take place at each meeting.

Registration Closed

Registration has now closed to attend May's Board meeting please keep an eye out on our website for the published meeting minutes. 

If you've already registered you'll be sent an email with joining instructions and a Teams meeting link before the event.

Check out the agenda for May’s Board meeting

Board Meeting Conduct

By inviting the public to observe our Board meetings, we will take accountability for our actions and decisions and ask attendees to do the same. It’s important observers respect the business of a Board meeting and the processes that must be followed.

We are committed to openness and transparency by conducting the non-confidential part of the meeting as much as possible which is open for the public to observe. Although held in public the Board meeting isn’t an opportunity for observers to ask questions or provide comments unless submitted before the meeting and based on the agenda.

All observers are required to follow our Code of Conduct if you wish to observe a Board meeting this includes:

  • We may refuse any application to attend if there’s evidence an observer’s purpose is to disrupt or interfere with the proper decision-making and processes of Network Homes.
  • Observers should not raise issues relating to their specific tenancy at the meeting.
  • Behaviour by any observers who break our Code of Conduct will result in you being asked to leave the meeting. Any observers asked to leave a meeting will not be permitted to attend another session.
  • Observers should treat everyone with respect including Network Homes’ staff, Board members, residents, and observers with consideration and respect for their contributions to meetings.
  • Observers must agree to leave the meeting at the end of the non-confidential ‘open’ part of the meeting when required.

Read our full Observer Code of Conduct

Ahead of the meetings meet our Board members here!

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