From 1 April, we'll have one SNG website where you can access all the information, updates and support from us, as well as access your online account. We'll no longer have this website, instead you'll need to visit us at We'll also redirect any existing links you may use to

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Tell us what works best for you in the Resident Choice survey

21 November 2022

Over the past two years, more and more services have moved online and continue to do so due to the current technological trend towards doing things digitally. While this provides opportunities for people to access services quickly at a time that suits them, we know that this doesn’t work for everyone but it’s likely that this trend towards delivering services digitally will continue. We’d like to hear from you about if and how you use digital services by completing and returning a short survey by 9 December 2022. As a thank you for taking part, you’ll be able to enter a prize draw with a chance to win one of four £50 vouchers.

Start the online Resident Choice survey

Why should I take part in this survey?

At Network Homes, we know that digital services don’t work for some residents for many reasons. For us to adapt our services to suit all residents we want to make sure that the services we do provide online are in line with your expectations. We also want to understand the barriers some of you face to accessing services online so that we can see if there is something we can do to help. By taking part in survey, you’ll help to shape the Network experience you have with us. You’ll also be able to highlight if there’s any support you may need to access our services online or in any other way.

How to take part

We’d really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete the Resident Choice survey using the link below. If you’re the primary resident on your tenancy or lease with us, you’ll also receive a letter with the printed survey in the post. This letter will contain your unique 'person reference' to enter on the survey. You’ll have the option to complete the paper survey and return it to us or complete it online.

Letters are currently being sent to the main tenant or leaseholder. If you hold a joint tenancy, then it has been sent to the person whose name appears first on our system. You'll be able to find your person reference at the top of the letter.

Your answers will help us better understand how you would like to interact with us so we can provide the right channels for you.

We’d also like to use this opportunity to make sure we have the correct details for you. This will help us tailor services, filter communication relevant to you and provide opportunities for support to you or your family. It will also help us to stay in touch with you when you need us the most. You can update your details with us by completing the online ‘Update your details’ form.

If you want a chance at winning one of four £50 vouchers, simply enter your contact details on your completed survey and you’ll be entered into a prize draw. The closing date for this survey is 9 December 2022. Any surveys received after this date will not be entered into the prize draw. We will contact the prize draw winners during the week of 19 December 2022.

Start the online Resident Choice survey

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