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WATCH: Lessons Learned session on complaints

19 August 2021

Network Homes’ latest virtual Lessons Learned session took place on Tuesday 18 August and covered how we deal with complaints.

Network Homes is committed to being transparent and open by default with this being the first public Lessons Learned session. Anyone including residents, stakeholders, Board members and employees were invited to attend. Involved residents had attended previous sessions.

During the event James Mahaffy, Network’s Complaints Manager, gave a presentation on how changes to policy, process and attitude have led to significate changes and improvement in the way we deal with customer complaints.

During the session he highlighted:

  • How we’ve moved from a 3 stage to a 2 stage complaints process
  • How we’ve updated our policy documents
  • How we’ve become more accessible and approachable and adhering to the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code.

The session also included a Question and Answer section following the presentation.

View full video of the session here or click on the following link and view the presentation slides here.

Lessons Learned sessions

Our Lessons Learned series involves a presentation followed by an open discussion with participants on experiences or work that our teams have worked on that could offer lessons to the wider organisation.

We’ve recorded previous sessions which you can view by clicking on the following links.

Lessons Learned Lectures - PSL Homes Transfer

Lessons Learned Lectures – Anti Social Behaviour

Lessons Learned Lectures – Scrutiny Reviews

Safe Space

Together we can end domestic abuse