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Our updated policy for London tenancy transfers

21 September 2022

Since April 2022, we no longer operate a housing transfer service for people wanting to transfer to another home in London. Local councils now have nomination rights for most of our empty homes.

We made this change because there were many more people on our housing transfer list than we had available homes, so we felt it gave people false hope. When we closed our housing transfer list in April there were over 1,750 tenants on it. Many had been on the list for years and faced the prospect of waiting longer.

There are some exceptions where we will consider tenancy transfers for our homes in London:

  • Approved management transfers. These are very rare cases where a resident needs to move because they are facing severe or immediate risk to life or personal safety. When we receive a management transfer application, our panel will review the evidence provided and determine whether we can help.
  • Residents who want to downsize. This is when a resident moves from a larger home to a smaller home as their household is too large for their needs.
  • Residents who want to move to a Retirement Living scheme.

In East Herts, these types of transfers will continue to be managed by our safeguarding panel who then refer approved cases to  the council.

As part of an overall review of our management transfer process, we have updated our Allocations and Lettings policy to reflect these changes and exceptions. We have also improved how we communicate with residents who have applied for a management transfer to make sure our decision-making process is clearly explained.

You can view our updated Allocations and Lettings Policy at the bottom of our  homes to rent or buy page here or the button below.

View our Allocations and Lettings policy on our homes to rent or buy page

If you have any questions, please contact us by emailing, completing a contact form on our website, tweeting us as @networkhomesuk, or calling our Contact Centre on  0300 373 3000.

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