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Procurement survey – Have your say in new or renewed contracts

25 February 2022

We reinvest all of our income into providing resident services, maintenance of our existing homes and building new affordable homes. We publish the details of how money is spent in our annual report to residents. Procurement is the process of putting together new contracts and appointing contractors to deliver services. We would like to hear your views on what we should consider when allocating our income to new contractors and services through our procurement process. We’ve created a survey to gather your views on this, and you can complete the survey to have your say by clicking here before the closing date of 29 April 2022. 

How we’ve involved the resident voice in procurement previously  

In previous years we’ve involved residents in procurement panels to review and select potential contractors for resident facing contracts. Taking into consideration the commitment required to be involved for several days and level of scrutiny into documents, we are aware that people may want to be involved but may face barriers to get involved in this way. By completing the survey, we’ll be able to hear from a wide range of residents and more conveniently.  

How we’ll use your responses 

Ideally we’ll be able to identify key themes and share examples of suggested questions with our local resident panels and procurement team. Having access to a bank of sample questions to consider using in our procurement processes and resident standards can help us to provide good value for money services and know what residents see as desirable or essential behaviours and commitments from suppliers.  

Procurement at Network Homes 

The Procurement Team at Network Homes are responsible for managing the process of acquiring of all contracts over a certain value (over £189,000 for services and supplies and over £4.7 million for a works contract). They are also responsible for ensuring all purchases are carried out compliantly and ensure value for money for Network Homes and our residents. 

The procurement process can take a significant amount of time due to the several stages required in the journey from setting the internal requirements with the relevant teams through to evaluation and awarding contracts. For this reason, our procurement team are constantly monitoring a schedule 12 to 24 months ahead of time so contracts for services can be in place at the right time.  

The next high value resident facing contract they will be working on is the Day-to-Day Repairs contract, so by sharing your views in this survey you will be helping us to put together a contract that reflects what is important to residents. Have your say to shape the services you, your neighbours and your community receive- complete the survey today! 

Complete the procurement survey here 

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