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Resident panels welcome proposed tenant satisfaction measures

06 April 2022

The Regulator for Social Housing held a consultation on proposed ‘tenant satisfaction measures’, derived from the Social Housing White Paper, which closed on 3 March 2022. 

Network Homes colleagues worked closely with representatives from our local resident panels to draft and submit a response on their behalf.

On the proposed reforms resident panels said:

  • They emphasised the importance of the wider Social Housing White Paper in seeking to get the balance right in respect to landlords and tenants’ responsibilities.  
  • They agreed with the White Paper’s mission to recreate strong connections between the two parties and ensure transparency and accountability at all times. 
  • They agreed with the Regulator that the proposed Tenant Satisfaction Measures Standard sets clear expectations for registered providers.  
  • They agree with the Regulator that social landlords should trial a variety of sampling methods and surveying channels to make sure the selected sample is as inclusive as possible and accurately reflect the demographic make-up of the tenants. 

But challenges and concerns were raised with a few aspects of the new measures. 

  • There were concerns raised regarding social landlords’ capacity to collect accurate information from a variety of residents. 
  • They recognised the challenge social landlords might face in getting a sufficient amount of survey responses from a widespread and representative sample of the resident population. In that regard, they support the Regulator’s call for social landlords to start planning their survey frameworks before the regulation is implemented from April 2023.

You can read the full response sent to the Regulator of Social Housing on behalf of our Local Panels below.

Read the panel's response to the Regulator’s TSM consultation

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