From 1 April, we'll have one SNG website where you can access all the information, updates and support from us, as well as access your online account. We'll no longer have this website, instead you'll need to visit us at We'll also redirect any existing links you may use to

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Get ready to start using our new range of payment methods!

09 June 2023

We’re getting close to launching our new payment methods which will replace most of our current ways to pay that you’ve been using. From 3 July 2023, you will need to use our new payment methods when you make a payment to us. You will not need to do anything if you make payments to us by standing order or Direct Debit. 

New payment options from 3 July 2023

We’re switching to PayPoint as our new payment provider on 3 July. This will replace allpay. PayPoint offer most of the same payment methods as allpay, as well as additional payment options. You will therefore still be able to pay through:

  • Your My Network Homes online account
  • Online via the Network Homes website or a link directly to our payment portal
  • A Network Homes payment app provided by PayPoint
  • Telephone
  • Direct Debit
  • Standing order
  • Cash over the counter at shops that accept PayPoint payments using a new Network Homes payment card.

What you need to do from 3 July

As most of our current payment options are changing or, in some cases, are no longer available, there are some changes that you may need to make depending on how you currently make payments to us. 

Way to pay

What you need to do

Direct Debit

No action required for 3 July. Payments will be taken as usual. We will transfer your Direct Debit from allpay to us later in the year. You will not need to cancel or set up a new Direct Debit as we will make the changes for you. Once we’ve made the change you will see payments on your bank statement made to us. If you currently have Direct Debit setup, we’ll write to you to let you know when this change has happened and if there’s anything we need you to do.

Standing order

No action required. Payments will reach us as usual.

Payment app

You will need to stop using and remove the allpay app from your mobile phone. You will need to download our new Network Homes payment app where you can make a one-off payment as a guest user or create an account to set up recurring payments, make a payment and see your payment history. The new Network Homes payment app will be available to download from your Apple App store or Google Play Store from 3 July. All you need to do is search for 'Network Homes payment app.'


You will need to stop using the allpay website link to make payments to us. You will need to use our new website link which you can find on our website from 3 July in the 'How to pay your rent, service charge and other other charges' section. You will be able to create an account where you can set up recurring payments, make a payment and see your payment history.

My Network Homes account

You can continue to make payments through your My Network Homes account if you have one. From 3 July, you will see an additional option to create a payment account where you can set up recurring payments, make a payment and see your payment history.


You can continue to make payments via the telephone by calling 0300 373 3000 to use our automated telephone payment system. You will need to use your payment reference number which you can find on your account statements. If your reference number has letters, we will automatically send you a payment account number (PAN) to use if you have made a payment by telephone in the last 12 months. You will need to use the PAN as your reference when making telephone payments as it will not accept references that include letters. We will also have an additional new telephone number you can use to make payments directly to us which you can find on our website in the 'How to pay your rent, service charge and other other charges' page from 3 July.

Payment card

You will no longer be able to make payments using your current payment cards (card with the purple banner on the front). We will automatically send you a new payment card if you have used your card in the last 12 months. You will need to use the new payment card (card with the blue banner on the front) to make payments to us at a PayPoint outlet. You can find a convenient PayPoint local at Your current payment card will no longer be linked to your account from 3 July, therefore if you use it to make payments to us, it may not be credited to your account and you may end up in arrears.

Payment options no longer available from 3 July 2023

Post office payments

If you pay your rent and / or service charge at the Post Office, you will no longer be able to pay this way from 3 July 2023, but you will still be able to pay in cash at shops that accept PayPoint payments using the new Network Homes payment card. You can find a convenient PayPoint local at

Text message / SMS payments

You will no longer be able to make payments by text message from 3 July, however we will be introducing an alternative option for you which is PayByLink payment. If you choose to make a payment by PayByLink, you will receive a payment link via text message which you can use to make a payment to us. We will provide more information about PayByLink, when it is available for you to use, on our website in the 'How to pay your rent, service charge and other other charges' section.

Cheque payments

We stopped accepting cheque payments on 1 April therefore you will no longer be able to make payments by cheque. Cheques that we receive will be returned to you.  

Need more information?

If you would like more information about the changes to payment methods, speak to someone about changing your current payment method, including how to set up Direct Debit, please email us at, complete our online contact us form and someone will get back to you.


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