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How we’re helping Hitham realise his dream of a career in plumbing

29 March 2023

Network Homes is continuing to support talented young people into careers on our construction sites with Barnet resident Hitham being the latest to realise his dream of becoming a plumber.

Photo of Hitham

The budding apprentice has been working with contractor partners ARJ Construction at our Burnt Oak Broadway scheme in Edgware where we’re building 100 affordable homes. He secured the apprenticeship role through our Section 106 obligation to provide employment and training opportunities for local residents at our development sites. Kamara Jackson, our Employment and Skills Manager advertised a range of construction roles with authorities across the London Borough of Barnet and Hitham referred to the Burnt Oak Broadway role through the Care Leavers post 16 Team at Barnet Education Learning service.

Hitham working

The apprenticeship marks the latest step in Hitham’s remarkable journey. He arrived in the UK as an 18-year-old asylum seeker, having been separated from his family during the civil war in Sudan. He was able to learn English at the College of Northeast London and then progressed onto a Diploma in Plumbing and Heating, which has been his dream since fleeing from his homeland.

His apprenticeship has been supported by Joe Brennan Training (JBT) who provided Hitham with a basic toolkit to begin his apprenticeship. But he was determined to build up his own kit and buy extra power tools, using his hard-earned money, to become even more useful on site. He has also recently managed to buy his own car, showing his incredible resilience and dedication to forging a successful career as a plumber. He has also been making great progress on his Level 3 apprenticeship with the training provider MIT.

Hitham Thumnail

I’ve always dreamed of going into a trade like plumbing and I was so pleased to have been given the chance to do this apprenticeship. It’s given me real hands-on experience on the job, and it’s been a privilege to work on the Burnt Oak Broadway scheme which will provide new homes for people. I’m going to continue to work hard and I’m looking ahead to when I make it as a full-time plumber.

Hitham, Construction Apprentice at Burnt Oak Broadway
Kamara Jackson

We’re honoured to have played a part in Hitham’s journey and we are so happy to see him doing so well. Despite all the adversity he has been through, his determination and hard work has enabled him to make great progress already, and we look forward to seeing him completing his apprenticeship and progressing in his career.

Kamara Jackson, Network Homes Employment and Skills Manager

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