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New way to download key fire safety information for your building

05 December 2023

We know that in order for you to feel safe in your homes, it’s crucial that you know about the safety procedures and information that concern your building. We’re committed to making sure that it’s easy for you to access the key fire safety information about your building that you need to know. We’ve been publishing a number of Fire Risk Assessments (FRAs) for our buildings on our website for some time, and we’re pleased to announce that all FRAs are now available to download on the new Riskhub Resident Hub along with even more fire safety information for your building.

This secure hub is managed by our trusted contractor Riskhub, who work with Savills to carry out fire door inspections. It’s an easy to use platform where you can find out more or remind yourself about the fire safety information for your building and home. We’re dedicated to being completely transparent about the status of your FRAs and the details of any fire safety actions we’re working on. This is our latest initiative to make this information even easier to access so you’re kept informed every step of the way.

What information can I download?

On the Riskhub Resident Hub, you can download:

  • the fire risk assessment (FRA) for your building. This an evaluation of a building’s potential fire hazards, the likelihood of fire happening and the effectiveness of existing fire safety measures. It aims to identify risks and recommend appropriate actions to ensure the safety of residents and their homes. It is a legal requirement to complete a fire risk assessment of buildings which contain multiple homes sharing a communal area.
  • an important fire safety Information summary sheet for the building. On this document, you will find critical fire safety information for your building, including the fire evacuation strategy, the contact details of the Responsible Person, and any open actions following a fire risk assessment.

How do I use the Riskhub Resident Hub?

Using the Riskhub Resident Hub is really easy and there is no registration needed to access your fire safety information.

  1. To download this information for the building you live in (or the building you’re representing if you’re a solicitor working on a property sale), you will first need your unique building reference number which you can click the button below to find 
  2. Please note down this number, then visit the Riskhub Resident Hub, fill in your unique building reference number and click ‘continue’.
  3. You will be taken to a screen where you will need to provide your name, flat number and contact details before selecting which document you’d like to download.

Look up your unique building reference number

How often are Fire Risk Assessments updated?

The fire risk assessor will determine how often a FRA needs to be reviewed, generally based on the risk rating given to a building. The frequency of the FRA may change if the building use changes or if a risk is identified which may affect how the building responds to a fire situation. New or reviewed assessments will be available on the Riskhub Resident Hub within 14 days of the building being re-assessed.

You can find out more about how we calculate how often an FRA needs to be updated in our Fire Safety Policy

Read our Fire Safety Policy

We're here to help if you have any questions

If you have any questions about the Riskhub Resident Hub or fire safety in general, please get in touch and ask to speak to our dedicated Fire and Building Safety Team.

Download your fire risk assessment

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More on fire risk assessments


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