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Our new corporate objectives

16 May 2023

We have a new five year strategy which spans across 2023 to 2028.

It’s been developed in the knowledge that we expect to merge with Sovereign Housing Association during the life of the plan. We believe that it is important to set out a clear direction for Network Homes to guide our work and decisions during the merger period. 

The new strategy consists of foundational objectives, which  are the building block that underpin all of our work, and  strategic objectives, which set our direct and focus for  the next five years.

Foundational objectives

  • Provide good homes an reliable resident services – achieve 70% tenant satisfaction and 75% satisfaction with most recent repair.
  • Be a great place to work – maintain above 90% colleague pride in Network Homes as a place to work and increase proportion of colleagues who feel safe to speak up to 90%.
  • Remain financially resilient – achieve 20% operating margin and EBITDA MRI greater than 100%.

Strategic objectives

  • Strengthen residents’ trust in us – 60% of residents trust us to do what we say we will do, and respond to 95% of complaint within service standard.
  • Improve our homes to be warmer, healthier and safer – fewer than 1,000 homes with EPC below C, and 100% compliance with Decent Homes Standard.
  • Increase the number of homes available for people in housing need – deliver as minimum GLA programme of 1,000 affordable homes started in London by March 2023, and complete 3,314 homes.

Read our 5 Year Strategy - 2023-28

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