From 1 April, we'll have one SNG website where you can access all the information, updates and support from us, as well as access your online account. We'll no longer have this website, instead you'll need to visit us at We'll also redirect any existing links you may use to

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Results of our Resident Choice survey

30 March 2023

In November 2022, we posted the Resident Choice Survey to all residents and shared an online link for everyone we have a mobile number or email address for. Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey and updated their details with us. Our goal was to hear how you choose to use the internet and learn more about how you choose to connect with the world. This is crucial for us to know as it influences how we deliver services to you. In total we had 783 residents update their details with us and 1034 residents told us about their online services habits.

What did we learn?

  • The main reasons residents contact us is to report or discuss a repair.
  • Residents contact us less than once a month on average.
  • 60% of respondents use online services on a regular basis in their wider lives.
  • 59% of respondents contact us by phone, often for queries we also offer access to online.

Who completed the survey?

  • 59% respondents were from London.
  • 41% respondents were from Hertfordshire and Outside of London.
  • Only 26% of respondents completed the online survey, though 59% of respondents said they regularly use online services.
  • The largest proportion of respondents were aged 65+.

How will we use this feedback?

We are going to look into how else we can support residents to feel more comfortable and confident using online services. We are also going to more regularly share the many ways you can contact us as well as by phone, and provide more information on how to raise requests online which will help shorten wait times in our call queues and create more time to support vulnerable residents or residents unable to access online services.

What next?

We were pleased to see that 184 of you said you are interested in helping us develop our digital services. We invited all these residents who expressed their interest to an online focus group that took place on 22 February 2023 to discuss the ways residents contact us and how we can improve these methods for all residents.

Why your views matter

It’s great to hear from a wide range of residents as it helps us ensure we provide services to benefit and support all residents in a variety of ways. Most importantly, using your feedback to shape our services means that we can work together to make sure you can contact us quickly and easily if and when you need us.

Responding to surveys and requests to update your details means we can be sure we’re hearing your ideas and feedback on important decisions and delivering services that work better for you and your families.

Thank you!

Some of you let us know that your surveys were delayed because of the winter postal strikes, which affected you having enough time to respond in time for the prize draw, so we extended the closing date by three weeks to make sure all responses were included for our analysis. Congratulations to our four lucky prize draw winners Mark, Comfort, Doreen and Clyde from Ware, West Kilburn, Willesden and Wembley who have each been sent a £50 Love2Shop Voucher!

Have your say, your voice matters

Find out more about how to get involved with our Resident Engagement Team here: Get involved | Network Homes

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