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Help us review and improve our repairs service

28 February 2024

Would you like to have your say on our repairs service? If you answered yes, we have a new repairs scrutiny review coming up that we’d love for you to join! Find out more below and register to take part before 5pm on 12 March.

What is a scrutiny review?

This is an in-depth review of a chosen service area. To decide what this review would be about, we asked our resident panels to vote on a service area they think we should look at closely- and repairs came out on top. The purpose of this review is to increase the number of repairs we fix on the first visit, therefore minimising the calls, emails and time spent chasing ongoing repairs. This would save your time and would allow us to spend more time investigating and resolving more complex issues in residents’ homes, buildings, or neighbourhoods.

What will the repairs scrutiny review involve?

You’ll adopt a range of methods to share your important insight with us. By signing up to be a part of the review, you will be able to:

  • work alongside other residents to work towards a common goal of improving our repairs service
  • attend a focus group with SNG colleagues and managers from our Asset Management and Contractor teams
  • join a repairs contractor for a ride along to witness repairs in action and see how our contractor’s work
  • shadow a repairs Customer Service Advisor from our contact centre, and planners and asset administrators from our repair’s contractor MCP
  • review case studies for previous repairs complaints and provide feedback on what could have been done differently
  • review our current repairs policy and suggest improvements.

The project will run for two months in total, but don’t worry- you won’t be carrying out tasks for this long! The amount of time committed to the project varies depending on the activities you’d like to be involved in.

  • The focus group will be in the evening and will last for two hours and will be held via Microsoft Teams.
  • To join a repairs contractor out and about will last a morning or an afternoon.
  • Shadowing a Customer Service Advisor, MCP planner and asset admin colleagues will take a morning or an afternoon in our Hertford office.
  • Reviewing the current repairs policy and case studies from real life repairs complaints can be done whenever it suits you and should only take a few hours of your time at most.

How will the feedback be used?

It’s crucial that we’re held to account and that we enable residents to provide this kind of insight, as it allows us to adapt our procedures and processes to ensure that we get it right. Your feedback and suggestions will be analysed and will be fed back to the Director of Repairs and Estate Services. Your recommendations will be implemented (wherever possible) into our services moving forward, meaning that you can directly influence the services you receive by taking part.

If you’d like to dig deeper into how repairs are managed and to impact a service that affects all residents, then this is perfect for you!

How do I sign up?

If you’d like to get involved and take a closer look at our repairs service, register here!

Click here to sign up

Registration closes at 5pm on Tuesday 12 March.

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