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Your views on smart energy meters

05 August 2024

SNG is working with National Energy Action (NEA) which is an independent charity and NEA would like hear from social tenants on their views and experiences about smart energy meters.

What is a smart meter?

Smart meters come with an in-home display which lets you see how much energy you're using in pounds and pence. Unlike a standard meter, they'll automatically read and submit your energy usage to your supplier, so you should get accurate bills.

NEA survey

NEA have put together a few short questions, which should take around 10 to 15 minutes and you could win up to £100 in high street shopping vouchers (x1£100, x1£50, x1£25) in our optional prize draw!

Taking part in this NEA survey is entirely voluntary. Please read the Research Information Sheet which explains what data NEA are collecting, details of the prize draw and how we will look after it, and which they hope will answer any questions you might have. Please read this before taking part. NEA will not share your personal data collected in this research with any other organisations without your consent.

If you would like to receive a paper questionnaire, please contact NEA using the details below.

Take part in the survey here 

If you have any questions about the research, please contact

The survey closes on Friday 23 August.

National Energy Action Research Team

For more information about National Energy Action, please visit their website or you can follow National Energy Action on social media, @NEA_UKCharity on X, National Energy Action on Facebook and nea_ukcharity on Instagram.

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