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Help shape the future of our services by joining our focus group

29 January 2025

We value your opinion and would love your help in shaping the future of our services. That’s why we’re hoping you’ll join our online focus group, led by our research partner, Vision One, on Tuesday 4 February to share your thoughts and ideas. 

We're looking for customers who live in an SNG home in London or the East of England to take part in our 90 minute focus group. By participating in the focus group, you'll:

  • Have your voice heard — your feedback will directly influence how we improve and adapt services for customers like you.
  • Make an impact — Help us better meet your needs and expectations.
  • Receive £60 — to thank you, the money will be transferred into your chosen account 10 days after taking part in the online focus group.

You’ll need to be available on Tuesday 4 February during the evening for the session that will take around 90 minutes.


All you need to is fill in the online form to get started. Once completed, please expect a call from Vision One within a few days.

We have limited spaces available on the session therefore when Vision One contact you they'll ask some more questions about you and your life. This is because we want to hear from as many different types of customers as possible.

If you're a match, we’ll send you an email invitation to the online focus group within one week of our phone call. Otherwise, we’ll send an email letting you know that we won’t be able to include you on this occasion. So, if you are interested, please don’t wait – register now– we expect places to go quickly.

We look forward to seeing you!

Find out more and complete the online form

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