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BLOG: My apprenticeship journey at Network Homes

06 February 2023

By Rashane Simpson, Development Apprentice


It’s National Apprenticeship Week and I thought I’d share my journey so far as a Development Apprentice at Network Homes.

Rashane Simpson

Having previously completed work experience in social housing, I knew that after my studies I wanted to work for a non-profit organisation. I completed Sixth Form during the Covid-19 lockdown, and I was finding it difficult to find apprenticeship opportunities due to the uncertainty of when the restrictions would end. So, in the meantime I was working in retail waiting for an opportunity to arise. Which it did and I was really pleased to secure an apprenticeship in Network Homes’ Development directorate.

My apprenticeship is a three-year higher level diploma. I study Design and Build one day per week at South Bank University and then I work for the rest of the four days. I get paid an annual salary and I work directly under a Construction Senior Project Manager. But because my course is broad, I’m able to learn and work with other teams within the Network Homes Development directorate too.

Working in social housing makes me feel like I’m making a change to families and communities. Especially within the department I work in where I’m able to see neighbourhoods change for the best.
One key skill I’ve learned so far is self-management. We’re given the foundation to grow at here but it’s my responsibility to take the opportunity to learn as much as I can. I think it’s important to build connections with everyone you meet, ask questions and to gain as much experience as possible.

I would 100% recommend a Network Homes apprenticeship. It allows you to work along side experienced people with lots of knowledge to share. Everyone I have met here is friendly and willing to support me with my apprenticeship journey. I enjoy being able to work in the office dealing with the administration duties but also being able to go on construction sites to see the development of a project being taken place.

I plan to continue to build up my skills and knowledge and once my apprenticeship comes to an end, I will be looking for permanent roles either at Network Homes or externally within the development and construction industry.

One day it would be great if I’m able to give work experience to a young person to help them on their career journey.

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