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BLOG: My apprenticeship journey has been a life changing experience

05 October 2021

By Shanice Brighton, Administrator

Shanice Photo

I joined Network Homes back in September 2019 as a Housing Apprentice and the whole experience has been a real privilege. It’s given me a deeper insight into the housing sector and by moving around the organisation and working in the different teams. I’ve gained new knowledge and skills as well as built on the skillset I already had.

Shanice Brighton, Administrator

I particularly enjoyed my time working alongside the Neighbourhood Team where I was able to oversee many issues ranging from Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) visits, dealing with tenancy issues and cases along with liaising with our contractor partners. I was working with this team during lockdown, and it was great to see how Network adapted during this difficult period.

During the pandemic, like many colleagues I was assigned the task of calling a few people from the vulnerable list to see whether they had the help and support they needed. This was a great way for me to interact with our residents, who were grateful for each call. It inspired me so much!

Near the very end of my apprenticeship, I was really pleased when I was told I’d been successful with application for an Administrator role I’d applied for. I’d been worrying before because I’d been unsuccessful with some the roles I’d interviewed for. As a woman of faith though I knew my time would come.

I really enjoy my new job which is providing administrative support for a balcony repair project at some of our properties in Stockwell Park. It also involves directly working with residents and I enjoy hearing the relief in their voices that we are listening and taking their queries into considerations, raising jobs and doing follow ups to see if they were happy with the work service provided. I’ve had some positive feedback down the phone and only want to keep helping improve our relationship grow in a positive light.

Overall, my apprenticeship at Network Homes has been a life changing experience. I’ve met some great people whilst being here and my hopes and end goal was to become a permanent member of staff, and by the grace of God I have been able to fulfil it!

I gave an interview one year into my apprenticeship. Check it out below.


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