Helping older residents stay safe online with Barclays digital skills workshops
09 April 2024
By Rachael Elston, Information, Technology and Transformation (ITT) Project Manager
Late last year, we partnered with Barclays to offer free online digital courses to all SNG customers, regardless of whether or not you're a Barclays customer. As well as providing these free online courses, Barclays are also supporting people to improve digital confidence, money mentoring and financial planning by hosting face to face events in the community. Barclays Local Specialists recently hosted a digital skills workshop at Willow House, one of our schemes for older people in Wembley, and it was a big success with residents!
Rachael Elston, Information, Technology and Transformation (ITT) Project Manager
These free workshops aren't just about learning; they're about empowering individuals to get to grips with technology, acquire essential digital skills, steer clear of scams, and stay safe online. It's all about fostering inclusive and connected communities, ensuring no one gets left behind in this digital age. Barclays representatives were on hand to chat face-to-face with customers, covering topics like cyber crime and how to protect yourself against online fraud. The turnout was great, and Willow House residents found it very enjoyable, interesting, and beneficial. When asked how they found the session, residents who attended said:
- “I’m very pleased we had the meeting and surprised at how good it was – it cleared up a lot of things and they helped me to protect my PC online.”
- “They showed me how to make a card payment on my phone and it was helpful.”
- “It was very good and helpful… people participated and showed interest. The scam information was a great help too”.
- "Basically, it was very helpful because of my experience in the past … the test was very helpful for knowing what is original and what is fake."
- “I thought it was helpful and the information was very good”.
You can see more pictures from the event below, and click here or the button below to learn more about the free digital courses available to you through the Barclays Digital Wings platform.

Boost your digital skills for free