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What does Black History Month mean to me?

31 October 2019

by Chyrel Brown – Independent London Panel Member for Network Homes

Black History Month is always a time for great celebration and as an Independent Panel Member for Network Homes I wanted to let everyone know what it means to me.

It’s 70 years since the Empire Windrush sailed to Britain from the Caribbean. I reflect on this in Black History Month and all that it symbolises in the context of four generations on and the legacy of those who arrived on the Windrush and the ships that followed with aspirations to improve their lives and support Britain following World War II.  


Black History Month is a time for me to pay homage to the brave and bold men and women who have trod into unknown territory and amazingly shaped British history, culture, music and arts. They’ve opened doors for me and other generations to have access to opportunities and believe we can do anything we set our minds to.

Chyrel Brown – Independent London Panel Member for Network Homes

Working in social housing today and seeing daily the challenges to access quality affordable housing, education and jobs in context where we have laws and policies to safeguard discrimination is heart-breaking. My admiration for the Caribbean migrants of Windrush who paved the way for me and others, can only be described as an honour of their resilience and determination. They forged ahead and became champions of what we adhere to now in terms of equality. 

I am the person I am today and what I strive to be tomorrow because of those brave men and women of The Windrush, who fought in many ways to gain better treatment for under representation in British society.

Happy Black History Month 2019! 









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