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Anti-social behaviour

We believe that everyone has the right to live the way they want to, as long as this does not impact on other people’s quality of life. This means being tolerant, accepting and respecting the needs and choices of others.

View our anti-social behaviour (ASB) toolkit

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is behaviour that causes annoyance, disturbance or distress to anyone else in the area.

You are responsible for making sure that you, the people living in your home, your visitors and your pets do not harass or cause a nuisance to others in or near your property. Near the property applies to neighbouring estates or properties, footpaths, roads, communal areas, stairs, lifts, landings, entrance halls and gardens.

Examples of nuisance and ASB include:

  • Shouting, screaming, swearing, drunkenness, making indecent or offensive gestures
  • Using or dealing drugs
  • Environmental nuisance including litter
  • Abandoned vehicles and frequently carrying out major repairs to vehicles
  • Pets/animal nuisance including aggression and barking
  • Graffiti
  • Excessive or persistent noise e.g. loud music or TV.

We do not deal with everyday domestic noise such as:

  • talking
  • babies crying
  • walking around
  • doors closing
  • flushing toilets
  • appliances.

Find out more about recognising ASB and what to do in our ASB Toolkit.

View the ASB Toolkit

Harassment is repeated behaviour that is deliberately intended to upset or harm another person, family or group of people.

Examples of harassment include:

  • Damage to property, for example, graffiti or vandalism
  • Verbal abuse and threats of violence
  • Violent acts
  • Domestic abuse
  • Hate crime.

We work with our residents and partners including the police and local authorities to deter and resolve nuisance and ASB in neighbourhoods.

If you experience anti-social behaviour, you should:

If you experience threatening behaviour or damage to your property, please contact your local police on 101, or report it to us. In an emergency call 999.

If you need more information on ASB, our policy outlines our approach to anti-social behaviour, including how we aim to prevent ASB, how we will intervene and how we will support our residents. 

Read the ASB policy

You can also find out more about recognising ASB and what to do in our ASB Toolkit.

View the ASB Toolkit

What is anti-social behaviour?
What is harassment?
What can you do?
Need more info on ASB? Our policy

Read our FAQs

View our anti-social behaviour (ASB) toolkit

Safe Space

Together we can end domestic abuse