From 1 April, we'll have one SNG website where you can access all the information, updates and support from us, as well as access your online account. We'll no longer have this website, instead you'll need to visit us at We'll also redirect any existing links you may use to

Keeping our residents safe

At Network Homes we take safeguarding seriously. In addition to adhering to our responsibilities, as outlined under the Care Act 2014 and Mental Capacity Act 2005 legislations, we have created an organisational policy to ensure the safeguarding of adults and children living in our homes.

Our Safeguarding policy aims to ensure that all Network Homes staff, volunteers, contractors and community groups know how to recognise the signs of abuse, as well as how to report it appropriately. Our policy focuses on the following six key safeguarding principles:

  • Empowerment - People being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and have informed consent
  • Prevention - It is better to take action before harm occurs
  • Proportionality - The least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented
  • Protection - Support and representation for those in greatest need
  • Partnership - Local solutions through services working with their communities - communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect and abuse
  • Accountability - Accountability and transparency in safeguarding practice.

Read our Safeguarding policy

Additional information 

Read guidance on the Care Act 2014 

Read guidance on the Mental Capacity Act 2005

Safe Space

Together we can end domestic abuse