From 1 April, we'll have one SNG website where you can access all the information, updates and support from us, as well as access your online account. We'll no longer have this website, instead you'll need to visit us at We'll also redirect any existing links you may use to

Newly built homes and repairs

If you have bought your home, it will normally come with a guarantee from a building warranty provider such as the National House Builders’ Union (NHBC), Premier Guarantee or the LABC

If you are the first buyer of the property, your solicitor should provide the guarantee certificates when the sale goes through. You must keep it safe.

What the guarantee means

The guarantee covers faulty material and workmanship related to the building’s structure.

It will normally be in force for 10-12 years.

If you are aware of any problems, please contact our Aftercare team first on 0300 373 3000 or email  

During the first 12 months

The contractor has a responsibility to rectify any defects within the first 12 months from when the building is first completed (not from the time that you bought your home). This is called the ‘12 month defect liability period’.

Please note: Shrinkage or settlement cracks that may appear in your walls are not defects. They are caused by the building materials settling and losing moisture over time.

If you have any issues in this period that you think are a building defect, please contact us to report it.

How quickly will it be repaired?

Depending on the defect that you report, we will give it one of three response times:

  • Emergency – within 24 hours
  • Urgent – within 7 days
  • Not urgent – 28 days (or to the end of the defect liability period)

If you are not satisfied with work carried out in the first 12 months, you can report it to the National House Builders Union (or the organisation that issued the warranty certificate).

Inspections at the end of the 12 month period

At the end of the first 12 months, we will inspect the building with the contractors to identify any final defects. We will give you notice (usually two weeks) that we will be visiting.

When you receive notice, it is important that you arrange to allow us access to your property inspection access. Please contact us to arrange an appointment.

If you can’t give us access, please tell as soon as possible so that we can find a more suitable time. If you do not arrange an appointment, we will assume that there are no issues with the building.

During the inspection

We will note the details of any defects we find or that you point out. The contractor will then return to carry out the repair within 28 days following the inspections.

When the contractor has completed the repair, you will be asked to sign a defect repairs worksheet to confirm that you are satisfied that all the work has been completed.

Please note: the 12 month inspection is a final opportunity to have any issues or concerns looked at and repaired. After the 12 months, it will be your responsibility (as a leaseholder) to deal with any future defect issues with your insurance providers.

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