FACEBOOK : We no longer use, or have access to, the Facebook accounts NetworkHomesUK and NetworkHomesSales. Please visit our contact us page on this website to find out the different ways you can get in touch with us. 

Improving your home

Decorating your home

If you’ve just moved in, then you might want to personalise your home by decorating your walls, for example. Or perhaps you've lived in your home for a few years and fancy a change.

You’re free to decorate your home as you wish, though please check with us first if you are a London Living Rent, SmartRent or Intermediate Rent tenant.

As a tenant of Network Homes, you can get 20% off decorating materials at Brewers Decorating Centres. Simply quote the account number ISHA011. You will need to show your proof of your tenancy to receive this discount, for example a letter or your rent statement from us.

More substantial improvements

For more substantial home improvements you will need written permission. We can only give you this if this work does not create any hazards, future maintenance difficulties, or an impact on others.

To ask for our permission, please email us at customerservice@networkhomes.org.uk or write to us at:

Asset Management
The Hive
22 Wembley Park Boulevard

If your home improvement includes changes to pipework or structure in your home, please ensure you include drawings/ full scope of work due to be carried out and the name of the contractor / company doing the work. 

Claiming compensation for improvements

You have the right to claim compensation for some home improvements carried out with our written consent.

We will give each improvement an estimated life span. The amount of compensation that we will pay will reduce over time in line with a set formula.

To make a claim, please contact us and ask for your request to be sent to our Planned Maintenance team.

Click here to contact us

Safe Space

Together we can end domestic abuse