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A successful year of fire door inspections

01 March 2024

Ahead of the new Fire Safety Regulations coming into force in England in January 2023, we started an extensive programme of fire door inspections, which you can find out more about by clicking here. We’re pleased to report that these inspections have been a great success, with over 12,500 doors inspected in more than 220 buildings!

The new legislation set out new responsibilities for us, as the ‘Responsible Person’, for buildings with two or more homes and a common area which residents would need to use to evacuate in the event of an emergency. The new legislation included new requirements for buildings that are over 11metres tall. This includes the requirement for fire doors in communal areas to be inspected every three months in, and entrance fire doors to be inspected once a year. The inspections must involve checking both sides of each of these doors.

In partnership with RiskHub Ltd, we have successfully inspected 97% of all communal doors and 98.5% of all flat entrance doors. We have also tagged over 12,500 doors with QR codes in more than 220 buildings. These QR codes are unique to each fire door and they allow inspectors to record information about the condition of the door. This is a great achievement, and we’d like to thank all residents who worked with us to make these inspections a success by letting us into their homes to check the inside of their front doors. Keeping residents safe in their homes is very important to us, and your co-operation with these inspections has helped maintain the safety of you and your neighbours.

Fire door inspections for the year ahead

Inspections are already underway for this year’s inspections programme. If you live in a building subject to these fire door checks, we will be in touch when it is time to arrange dates for the next visit. If you’d like to speak to our team directly about the fire door inspections, please call 0204 512 5431. Alternatively, you can email our Fire and Building Safety Team at:

Please remember- fire doors play an important part of keeping your home and building safe from fire spreading in an emergency. For more tips on how to keep your home safe please visit:

If you feel that the entry door to your home, or a communal door is not operating as it should; please do get in touch.

Contact us about your fire doors

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