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Changes to Winter Fuel Payments

28 October 2024

You may have seen in the news that the Government has made changes to Winter Fuel Payments with only some pensioners eligible for payments if they receive certain benefits.

If you are still eligible for Winter Fuel Payments you should receive a letter in October or November telling you how much Winter Fuel Payment you’ll get. If you do not get a letter but think you are eligible, check if you need to make a claim.

If you qualify then you could receive payments of £200 or £300 depending on your age. You can find out more by clicking on the following links.

How much will get in Winter Fuel Payments

Who can claim Winter Fuel Payments

Claim Pension Credit

One of the benefits that entitles you to Winter Fuel Payments is Pension Credit. This provides extra financial support if you’re over State Pension age (so you must have been born on or before 22 Sep 1958), and on a low income. It can also help with housing costs, such as ground rent or service charges.

You can apply up to four months before reaching State Pension age. If applying after, your claim can be backdated by up to three months if you were eligible during that period.

Am I eligible for Pension Credit and/or Winter Fuel Payments?

You can find out if you’re eligible to receive Pension Credit and/or Winter Fuel Payments by completing an  eligibility calculators at

For full details on how to apply for Pension Credit online, by phone, or by post, visit the Government website .

Benefits and financial support

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